This course is currently a work in progress, and is adapted with permission from the creators of UC Berkeley CS 198-126.
I’m Ryan Zheng, a rising senior in the class of 2024 at Amador Valley High School.

Project Philosophy:

Computer Vision with Cute Voles (CV with CV) is designed to be a very broad, high-level introduction to the complex field of Computer Vision for students who are taking their first look at CV, and perhaps machine learning as a whole, to see if they are interested. I have adapted UC Berkeley’s course in such a way that you don’t need to have a great understanding of usual prerequisites such as writing code, linear algebra, multivariable calculus, and other ML fundamentals in order to develop a good understanding of CV from here (although obviously having some prior knowledge will help). This is to ensure that the intended audience of this course, students who are exploring what they may be interested in, aren’t scared off by ridiculously technical and complicated content. As such, this course is intentionally very high-level and conceptual. If you would like to delve deeper into CV, please see some further reading in the course introduction!

Also, I am by no means an expert at CV. In fact, this course only exists because I took the couse this is adapted from over the summer and was immediately interested, and thought I could pass it forward by allowing a broader audience to appreciate it. As such, there may be mistakes and errors throughout the lessons, and if you find one, please let me know! My goal is to make this as helpful and accurate a starting point as possible, so email me with any mistakes at


This site was designed and developed entirely by me, using Jekyll through GitHub Pages. The repository of this website can be found here, and while you’re at it also check out my other projects! All illustrations and other materials and design are also by me.